Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We're at home relaxing until we head over to my parents' house for the day. Last night, Indy and I went to the symphony chorus Thanksgiving eve concert...we wore our antlers as directed by Lynn Cook and met up with a dozen or so Peg's Legs, all donning antlers. We were sitting right in the front and when Lolo took the stage with the chorus we stood and cheered. We're not sure if she was surprised to see us or embarrassed by our reindeer antics...maybe a little of both!

The music was beautiful and Indy loved her first concert experience. I confess that Indy, Kelly, and I left at intermission to get some dinner...but I heard from Lynn that the rest of the concert was amazing and that Lolo was indeed happy that we all made it.

Me, Karen, Kelly, Julie, and Lynn made some progress on sorting more of Peggy's stuff. We're starting to put things aside for a yard sale. We plan to get things put aside and then let the family and Peg's Legs go through it all first to see if there is anything that they would like to have before we sell it. We are working on clearing the back corner (where the couch used to be) so that we can make that the "stuff for yard sale" area. We just have to keep telling ourselves to take things a day a time, one step at a time...or else it just gets too overwhelming.

Elroy is quite antsy to see some progress in the house...I think he's having a hard time believing that we are going to take care of it (soon enough). I know how he feels - when you're in the house you just feel like you should be doing something about all the stuff, and yet it is so overwhelming and still emotionally charged. I feel this constant internal tug-of-war between urgency and lethargy, not just at the house, but at my home too.

Yesterday we talked to Marvel on the phone. She's doing well, just processing everything like the rest of us and hopefully getting some well-deserved rest. She's planning to come to the house on Monday to help us sort more crap - oops, I mean, treasures. Karen and I have decided to take Thursday and Friday and enjoy the long Thanksgiving weekend. Then we'll be back in the office on Monday and we'll tackle more of the house with anyone who wants to join us!

This weekend is also Eric and my wedding anniversary on Sunday, the 30th! It is our 6th anniversary and what a significant six it is. Wow. Imagine all that has transpired since we said "I do" in 2002. And what I will say to Eric on Sunday is the same thing that I said to Peggy the night before she passed simple words that capture all my love and gratitude (and perhaps mild masochism): "I would do it all over again".

As the days go by, I feel less anxious about what the future will bring and more willing to embrace the change. While we were in it the middle of it all, it was impossible to envision what life would be like without Peggy. We were all so intertwined and focused. We're finally able to take a step back from it all and see what was Peggy and what was us. I think my relief comes from realizing that the friendships and the bonding in the group still function even without Peggy. The energy, the community, and the culture that built up around her was because of her, but not dependent on her.

I am so comforted so much by this realization...this is what makes me feel that I can take a few days off without worrying that the energy that surrounded Peggy will disappear. I don't need to fan the fire so desperately to keep it from extinguishing...because on this Thanksgiving Day, the thing I am most thankful for is that the Peggy Chun flame is eternal.


Maria Rose said...

Well said Kimi.
Happy Thanksgiving
One of the lines from the hymn we sang at church this Thanksgiving morning was
"Love, it is our life's pure joy" and I am so thankful on this special day to have experienced that blessing.
The God who gave us Peg now welcomes her back home and that is soo comforting.
Ps ...the concert was fabulous...beyond words!
You rock Lolo...chicken skin time!

Andy said...

Eternal it IS, Kimi. Like our love for Peggy, you and your family, and each other of Peg's Legs. Eternal comforting, don't you think?