Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Pono!

Happy Monday, Everyone, and Happy Birthday to Pono Lee (Kat's son)!

Had a great weekend of fun and sun and now I'm catching up on my work. Peggy started her eye drop protocol. Be sure to let her eyes soak in the drops before flushing or putting other drops in her eyes. They kind of sting her eyes, but it is a necessary part of the procedure.

We've restocked the Peg's Legs Cafe in Peggy's room today, so munch away! The basket is full of goodies again!

This week we'll be getting ready for First Friday. Peggy plans to attend even though she is getting her eye procedure the day before. She's hardcore! She once went to a party straight from the ER - she is the ultimate party animal.

I'll be spending some time with my mom the next couple mornings, helping her out. She broke her ankle last week and had to have surgery on it. She can't put any weight on it for a couple months - ugh! She's doing fine and trying to is never as much fun resting/slowing down when it is forced on you. I'm happy to be able to help HER out for a change - she's always taking care of and supporting everyone else!

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