Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back from Maui!

Aloooooha! We are back on Oahu! We had such a wonderful time...we stayed with Keola and Moana Beamer in Lahaina. The Superferry is an awesome way to travel - especially with kids! Having our car with us was so easy and convenient. We had so much fun visiting with the Beamers and also Ginny Kaai and Maile Kaai-Cockett and KC Boy who is six years old now.

We spent our days at the beach - stand-up paddling, snorkeling, and sight-seeing. One day Keola and Eric took out Keola's one-man canoe. We also took the kids on the Lahaina Sugar Cane Train. Our nights were spent grilling and drinking wine, hanging out and catching up with the Beamers.

The Beamers are the most loving, gracious hosts - we feel so grateful for their hospitality - what a treat to get to spend time with them. It was the perfect weekend. So beautiful and so relaxing - just what we needed!

So now I'm back to work. I spent the morning sharing all the photos from our trip with Peggy. With her vision issues, I think she was basically relying on my narration, butshe still enjoyed it. Now I'm catching up on work and email and all that.

Doesn't seem like I missed too much while I was away. We did get a new Apria kangaroo food pump. Seems pretty straightforward. Not many other medical updates.

Today is Peggy's daughter Leslie's Birthday! Happy Birthday Leslie! We love you!

We have Haleiwa Arts Festival this weekend...Saturday and Sunday. Come check out our booth! And then next week Tuesday is Rhea's last day working for Peggy Chun Art Studio & Gallery! She will be starting a new full-time job at Partners in Development licensing foster parents, so she won't be coming in on Tuesdays anymore - boo hoo! We sure will miss her - it is the end of an era!

I'm going to take tomorrow off to go to Hanauma Bay with my family that is visiting. Maybe some of Thursday and Friday since all my cousins that are visiting are only here until Sunday and I'll be working the show this weekend.

That's it for now...good to be back! Missed all of you! And (of course) we brought back Krispy Kreme donuts fresh from Kahului! They are in Peggy's room - dig in!

Here are some photos from our trip:

Portrait of me and Eric on the Superferry, taken by Indy

Eric and the kids on the famously old and large Banyan tree of Lahaina

The handsome watermen after their paddle

Indy, Sawyer, and KC hanging out

Gorgeous Maui skyscape

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