Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Doc Visit Report

Peggy had her doc visit yesterday afternoon. Here is what they covered:

Peggy says that she is still having pain inside and around the trach stoma. She says that the pain now seems to be spreading to her upper/center chest, but that the source of the pain is the trach. She says on a scale of 1 to 10, the pain is a 7, but the pain is not constant. She says she feels it about 5x a day.

Peggy said that on 4/21 she felt a rash on the right side of the face but now says that it is probably from her face being scrubbed during bath and that it is not bothering her anymore.

As far as Peggy's hallucinations go, they have increased again. She says that she's now having them 25x a week and that they average an hour. They occur mostly during the afternoons and evenings. They still scare her and make her feel out of control. She says that on 4/21 at night, she had one that lasted five hours.

Dr. Davis said that he will be contacting the ALS Association to see if there is any correlation between hallucinations and ALS.

We have Leah training again today. Karen has her granddaughter Alayna here today (she's 5) and so Sawyer has a playmate!

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