Wednesday, December 17, 2008

See you Friday and Saturday!

Hope you are all going to join us Friday and/or Saturday for our Christmas Art & Yard Sale/Peg's Legs Christmas Party! We are gearing up by sorting lots of great stuff...we will also have some vendors coming in with great holiday gifts like jewelry and other goods. Plus, it will be our first Peg's Legs mini-reunion! Fun! Don't miss it!

Yesterday we had power outages in Nuuanu. Sawyer's preschool was out of power, so they had to send the kids home in the morning! So yesterday was not as productive as I would have liked...but they are back up and running today, so I am jamming around trying to get work, Christmas shopping, and sale preparations done...time is a tickin'!

We had some other excitement in Nuuanu...apparently there was an iguana sighting in the neighborhood on Monday - our neighbor on Alika Avenue saw it! He says it is 4 feet long! It is still on the loose so we've been keeping an eye out for him...I can just see Cola dragging that lizard in the house!

OK! Off to sort kitchenware in the kitchen with Pat Gamble, Kelly, and Lolo!

1 comment:

melia said...

Argh! Curse this job that gets in the way of Day 1 of the yard sale! Hide the best crap for me...
