Thursday, December 4, 2008

Getting Ready for Tomorrow and Other Stuff

We've been busy busy busy meeting and prepping for tomorrow's services and luau. Eric and I don't even have the words to express how grateful we are to our dedicated (not to mention super organized and competent) Peggy Chun Memorial Committee. I can't get over how beautifully everything is coming together. And what a party this luau is going to be tomorrow! I know that Peggy is smiling down on all of us with pride and excitement.

Today the tents go up at Hale Pohaku at 2pm and then the decorating committee hits the scene at 5pm. We have so many wonderful volunteers helping out everywhere - at the church, at the luau, before and is amazing!

We've had a lot of visitors and helpers at the house...we are so grateful for everyone coming and helping us deal with the overwhelming task of sorting through Peggy's house full of stuff. Karen and I were talking about it and we are feeling unprepared for all the help...we don't want to turn away help and we know that there is so much to be done, but we are having a hard time finding good and productive tasks for is sort of hard to know where to start. We are feeling guilty because people are coming to help and we just feel like sitting around and hanging out with them instead of working on the house. We feel like we're tricking people into hanging out with us by luring them in asking for help with the house! Ha! That's OK, right?

I think part of our problem is that we are so focused on Friday's services and luau...we feel like once we get through this week then we can really start focusing on the house. Now that we have planned our first yard sale (and Christmas sale/party) we have a goal to work towards.

We have started to clear the back corner (where the couch used to be) for yard sale stuff...and as I mentioned before, you Legs get the first crack at that stuff to see if there is anything that you would like to take. Just be sure to check in with us to let us know what you are taking...just in case something ends up there that is not supposed to be in that section.

This leads me to another announcement. I know that many of you have things that you either left/lost/loaned to Peggy, things that Peggy told you that you could have someday, things that you especially loved, things that mean something to you, things you gave to Peggy that you would like back, etc. I know that many of you might be concerned that we are cleaning and getting rid of stuff before you have a chance to speak out - so, here's what will make things easiest for all of us:

PLEASE EMAIL ME about any items you have in mind. Email me your name, contact number, and a description of the item and the circumstances (you gave it to Peg, she gave it to you, you loved it, you know someone who should have it, etc.). I am compiling an excel spread sheet with all this info so that as we go through the house we can reference it. We will also be labeling things with names as we find things and put them in a certain designated area.

Feel free to offer suggestions of people that might be able to use certain items as donations (i.e., old towels can go to the Humane Society, medical equipment can be donated to MDA). We will do our best to accommodate any requests while also adhering to Peggy's wishes and those of the family.

FYI, all of the artwork, art supplies, business stuff will be going to our new gallery/office location, where ever that may be. Please help us keep an eye out for gallery/office spaces in the Downtown/Chinatown area and also for an apartment/loft for Elroy in this same area!

See you all tomorrow!!! XOXO

1 comment:

Maria Rose said...

You are so right.
It's the memorial service and luau first and then the STUFF at the house,
We like to see you and Karen too. I think Peg would be happy to see us all laughing and talking story.
"Seize the Second" and then face the future.
I saw Martha as I was leaving yesterday and it felt like "old times" and that is good too.
All is Well
Love, Suzanne C