Monday, December 15, 2008

Hey Blog Fans - I'm Back!

Well, my immune system finally had enough with me and I caught the cold I've been running from for the past month...I am not surprised since I've been "burning the candle at both ends" as my mom sleep has been erratic, my stress levels high, the weather soggy, I've had more wine than usual, and I must have kissed and hugged about 2000 people in the past few weeks! It's actually a miracle that I made it this far without burning out!

So I was sick Saturday and Sunday. I hate being sick on the weekend. No, I just hate being sick. I don't like slowing down (you're all shocked, I know) and I just lay there feeling mad that I'm not getting anything done. In hindsight I can see that I did get something done - I got some much needed rest and relaxation, but I would have rather recharged at a spa, not in my bed with a cold.

Eric and I did get to slip out on Saturday night with the kids to go to the Symphony's Peter and the Wolf with Barbra Pleadwell, Jayson Harper, and Bella Grace and friends. It was narrated by Jorge Garcia (Hurley from "Lost")! The kids enjoyed it - Indy more than Sawyer since it was kind of late for him and he was pretty tired.

So we're here at the house getting ready for this weekend's sale. I'm glad I'm on the mend since this is a big week. Not only do we have our sale this weekend, but we also have Indy's Christmas program Thursday night and Sawyer's Christmas Program Friday night. We also will be celebrating Cian's 3rd birthday this weekend. Her birthday is on Friday.

The kids are out of school next week, so this is my only real week to get stuff done before Christmas! These past 2 months have been so crazy. I feel so behind in all my work and so behind in Christmas stuff! I'm still in a whirlwind...still having a hard time feeling grounded.

I know that I still need to post photos from Peggy's services and's on my list! I'll get it to it soon! Wish me health and wellness and lots of energy this week - I need it!

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