Peggy, Elroy, Marv, and Hanna stayed 'til the end of the luau, but Eric, me, and the kids had to rush over to Indy's preschool for her Fun Fair. I worked a couple booths while the kids enjoyed the fun and games...especially the fishing game. We went home with about 10 guppies. Great.
Saturday night we went to dinner at my folk's house to wish my dad a happy Father's Day. Eric slipped out a bit to go "show face" at the Punahou Alumni Luau.
Sunday we came by Peggy & Elroy's to visit Elroy and wish him a Happy Father's Day. We brought him some practical kitchen tools and cocoa puffs and pancake batter from Liliha Bakery! Then, for Eric, we spent the whole day at Waimanalo beach! It was a great day. See photo below.
Today at Peggy's we've been getting ready for the yard sale. We submitted all our ads to the Classified sections and are doing more sorting. We will be sorting sorting sorting ALL week in fact - so you're welcome to join us if you're in the neighborhood! Ha! We are also looking for volunteers to help over the weekend.
Thank you so much to all of you that have been bringing your stuff in. Wow! We have such awesome donations this time! Really - this is going to be such a great sale with lots of cool stuff!
Peggy is doing good today. Denise is coming by later to do a short medical visit. She's checking in on Peggy and some of the current medical issues. That's it for now!
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