Friday, February 15, 2008

Just to Clarify

FYI - I thought that Peggy had an actual doc visit on Wednesday, but actually she just got her questions/issues ready for Dr. Davis, but he was not able to make it via telemed. However, Cathy was here and went over all of Peggy's issues with her and will address them with Dr. Davis.

Hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day. Ours was great. Eric and I had a friend watch the kids while we went to the gym, then we picked up food from Foodland and went home. We made a nice dinner, put the kids to bed, ate and drank wine and watched Lost!!!

Lolo, Peggy, and I have already been discussing last night's awesome episode! I also got all the ERICA parts back from the mainland and got the ERICA camera working again. Now, we are just waiting for Peggy's eyes to clear up a bit so that we can test it. Hope it works - keeps your fingers crossed.

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