Thursday, February 14, 2008

Doc Visit Report

Peggy had a doctor visit yesterday. Here is the report:

Peggy was concerned about the G-tube, she says that it has been constantly leaking. Cathy thought that this might be due to the way we push Peggy's bladder (to release urine). She wants us to push down in a pattern always pushing down, not straight in.

Peggy's says that her trach has been more sore than usual. She says that there hasn't been bleeding, but that it has been sore on the inside.

Peggy reports that her hallucinations are down to one time a day, usually in afternoon. They are random things, not terrifying but they make Peggy somewhat nervous.

Peggy has no skin breakdown.

Peg has been requesting that the private hires decrease her tube feeding from 45 ml per hour to 35 ml per hour. She said it helps her to avoid reflux. Cathy reminded Peggy that HCA workers are not allowed to change any part of the feeding tube routine without authorization from HCA. She will suggest that Dr. Davis refer us to a nutritionist to see if we could decrease feedings but still meet Peg's nutritional needs.

Peg says that she feels bloated all the time and feels that she has gained weight. Cathy thinks that she will talk with Dr. Davis about going from on-going tube feeding to bolus feeding (this was also suggested by Cory and Mary Beth Geise). This would give Peggy's stomach a break in between feedings.

Peggy's toes and fingernails look fine - yay! And Peggy reports that her mood has been relatively good.

Peggy's eyes have been pretty good, although I think we all are finding that spelling is getting more challenging. Not even so much because of redness or irritation, but just telling where she is looking. We can discuss this further in the meeting and try to come up with ways to improve communication. We are open to ideas, suggestions, thoughts on please share!

Happy Valentine's Day, Y'all!

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