Thursday, September 6, 2007

Peg's Eyes and Cola News

Peggy's been doing great with her new trach, however her eyes have been really red and irritated today. It has been extremely difficult to read her eyes most of the day. She has been going through PM Gel like crazy - Elroy (the PM Gel Distributer of the House) says it has been one tube a day. Yikes. Her eyes have been irritated on and off for the past few days. It is so weird - one minute they will be so red and the next they will look much clearer.

We have some news about Cola. Blue Cross has informed us that she has Feline Leukemia. Her fever is down, but she is still not eating much. However, they said she can come home today so Elroy will be picking her up this afternoon.

Feline Leukemia can be very serious, so we are planning to take her and Jack for a check up at Carole Fujioka's Cat Clinic, hopefully this weekend. Cats can infect other cats, so we need to make sure Jack gets checked out. We are going to "wait to worry" and start first by finding out more information about Cola's illness.

1 comment:

Maria Rose said...

Poor Cola
No wonder she was licking at her bald spots.AND she spiked a temp.
Gosh it all sounds so serious but I won't worry because I know the SECRET!
You get some rest and "go forth" Cola!