Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I need to let everyone know that we are dealing with a very serious situation regarding our overnight shift scheduling. As I mentioned in a previous post, both of our main HCA nurses, Eric and Michelle, are taking time off this month and next month. We were able to cover their shifts using our wonderful new private hire, Lisa, and Misty from HCA.

Peggy has had some concerns about Misty's caregiving. I have talked at length with Peggy about this issue. I want to be clear, that while I am sympathetic to Peggy's anxiety, I strongly believe that Misty is a capable and caring caregiver.

Peggy handled the matter by writing a very direct letter to Misty that was not received well and to make a long story short, Misty will not be coming back. This leaves us with no coverage for 14 overnight shifts between next week Wednesday and the middle of October.

I have spent the day working on finding anyone that can cover the overnight shifts. I have posted an ad on Craigslist, called around to other agencies and a few potential private hires. In order to get someone in by next Wednesday I need to begin training immediately, so hopefully I will get some call backs in the next day or so.

Please let me know if you know of anyone who might be interested in taking some overnight shifts. Ideally, we're looking for someone with nursing and ventilator experience. Please send good energy our way - we need it.

Important: As I have already let Peggy know, from now on, any of Peggy's concerns regarding caregivers must be channeled through me. Any letters that Peggy dictates that are directed to a caregiver (volunteer, private hire, or agency nurse) MUST be given to me first.

I have spoken with Peggy today about all of this. If you have any questions about this issue or any other, please don't hesitate to come and talk with me.

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