Saturday, May 12, 2007

Weekend Update

Peggy was having more trach trouble yesterday. Same story. I told Peggy we just need her to hang in there until the new trach gets in. There is really not much anyone is going to be able to do about the gurgling, so we need to just make it through another week or so. Peggy told us that she can handle it. I asked Peggy to please not "overcall" HCA regarding this issue unless it truly is emergent - if the trach is not alarming and her SATs are good, then it is not really an emergency.

No one wants Peggy to be uncomfortable, but the trach/gurgling issue is going to be present until she changes out the trach (maybe even after) so we really just need to HANG IN THERE until the part comes in! If you do need to call HCA for Peggy in a non-emergent capacity, please be clear that it is non-emergent. For example, "Hi, this is "so and so" from Peggy Chuns. This is NOT an emergency, but whenever Cathy can give us a call, Peggy has some questions/concern about the trach". This way Cathy can know what she is dealing with. If she gets a call that says, "you need to call Peggy's" - she has no idea how to prioritize the issue. We are NOT their only clients and I do not want to abuse our right to call upon their nursing staff for assistance. I also don't want to end up in a "boy who cried wolf" situation and have them react too casually to a true emergency. Make sense?

Let's all work together to give Peggy a lot of TLC until this new trach arrives. We can all help her get her mind off her gurgling by shifting our energy to other things (again, I'm obviously talking about when her SATs are good and she is not in distress). Speaking of other things...

Lee Cataluna came by yesterday to interview Peggy about the Father Damien project. She told us that the story will run tomorrow (Sunday). She brought her 9 month old son with her, so he and Sawyer got to play together while Lee interviewed Peggy. We made a lot of progress yesterday on the Father Damien mosaic plan. This is going to be a lot of work, but a lot of fun and we have a lot of helpful little hands eager to help out!

Tomorrow is Mother's Day and we wish all you moms out there a FABULOUS and RELAXING day! We'll let you know how Peggy's visit to our house goes. We are so excited!

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