Sunday, May 13, 2007

Article in Today's Advertiser and Cuff Leak

Here is a link to Lee's story that ran in today's paper -

Also - FYI - Cathy has confirmed that there in indeed a very slow cuff leak...but we are still trying to hold on until we get the new trach in since we don't want Peggy to have to endure 2 trach changes. Nothing to be alarmed about, we just need to keep monitoring her SATs and the cuff, adjusting the position as usual to make her comfortable. IT IS CRITICAL that we don't take air in or out at this time so that we don't further damage the cuff. Cathy will be checking in regularly to add air as Peggy needs it. We have put a RUSH on the new trach, so it should be coming in hopefully next week.

Have a great Mother's Day!

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