Peggy had her doctor visit yesterday. Here's what Dr. Davis had to say:
Regarding the trach discomfort - he suggested rolling a small washcloth and placing it under the trach to brace/prop it. We'll be scheduling her trach change soon.
As for the reflux issue - he said that whenever Peggy complains of the reflux, take her off the tube feeding and sit her up. He said that we can acutally take OUT about 40 ccs of liquid from her g-tube using the syringe and then administer the normal dose of mylanta.
Regarding Peggy's leg cramps - he said that we can put pillows under her knees and thighs OR put her in a "frog leg" position to alleviate some of the pressure.
Peggy's eyes were tired yesterday, but pretty good. The kids from Holy Trinity came with Shelly and got to meet Peggy, fish in the awai, have a pizza lunch, etc. They all sang 2 songs for Peggy as a surprise (see photo above). It was so sweet.
I'm out of the office this morning since my car is in the shop for a "creaking" issue. I should be getting it back in time to pick up Elroy and take him to the airport this afternoon - he has a meeting over in Kauai and so will be gone for a couple days. What a jet-setter.
We are having our first party planning meeting tomorrow around 12:15. Please join us if you want to help! I have to pick up Indy first since she only has a half day. Then she is out of school until June 4 - so you guys will be seeing a lot of her next week. I'm trying to get as much done today and tomorrow morning as I can!
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