Monday, March 3, 2008

Sorting Sorting Sorting

We walked in this Monday morning to find piles of contributions for the sale in the living room! Yay! We have been so blessed with so many wonderful things for the sale. Keep 'um coming! We have posted the ad on Craigslist, The Honolulu Weekly, and the Honolulu Advertiser, so we're anticipating a big turnout. Eric is doing a run on Wednesday to pick up some pick furniture, TVs, etc. that have been donated to the sale. Karen has been sorting and organizing all day. She is so awesome.

Peggy is excited for this weekend. She's been spelling away with Lisa today. Lisa is doing a 12 hour shift (yikes!) since Marvel had to take care of some family stuff. Cathy is here right now to cauterize some granulated tissue around her trach.

I sent the March Newsletter out - what do you think? Our web designer, Daniel Gannaway, helped me lay it out - he is so good! I'm really excited about this new communication tool.

We spoke with Robyn Buntin Gallery today (the one on Beretania). Kat had seen on their website that they have an original Peggy Chun titled "Mango Cat" which is an image of Bug in a mango tree. They are selling it for $1200 which is out of our price range, but they did let us know that we can scan it so that we can add the print to our inventory since it is a "lost" image that was never scanned. Exciting!

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