Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Coming Up for Air!

This past weekend's sale was AWESOME!!!!!! I am still reeling from all the excitement and success. I am just SO grateful for SO much - there are so MANY blessings to be thankful for...the people that brought in piles and piles of yard sale donations (including some REALLY valuable stuff!), the people who donated goodies for Kat, Pono, & Ryan's Bake Sale area (that did VERY well), the people that spread the word about the sale, the people that helped us sort, the people that helped us set up and price, the people that gave up their weekend to work the sale, the people that came to shop and donate, the people that helped us clean up and bag everything up for United Cerebral Palsy, the list goes on and on and on and on...

Because of all of the help of all these amazing people, we were able to raise enough to get us by a few more months...we were able to buy us some TIME, which is exactly what we need. Time. Time with Peggy. Time for Peggy.

Thank you to all of you that helped. I keep getting asked if I'm tired after the sale and the truth is that I'm not. That may sound crazy, but the reason that I'm not tired is that we had so much help! It really felt pretty low impact with so many hands sharing the workload. Plus, I feel so much relief to know that we can pay our bills for a while, this gives me so much emotional energy. My heart is swimming with gratitude, I don't even have the words to express how truly blessed we feel.

Peggy had a blast this past weekend. She was up in the chair Friday, Saturday, Sunday with a "Not For Sale" sign on her. She loved seeing everyone, checking out all the cool stuff for sale, talking with customers. Not surprisingly, she was tired yesterday and today. Her eyes haven't been working that great these past couple days.

She had a short doc visit today and Dr. Davis mainly wanted to look at her eye movement. He did a short eye exam, asking her to look right, look left, etc. Hanna was there for the visit and said that it seemed to take Peggy quite a while to move her eyes in the requested direction. She made a good point that we might all need to be giving Peggy more time to get from one box to the next. This is probably the reason that we've been getting a lot of repeat letters, we might not be giving Peggy enough time to move her eyes.

Did you guys see the article about the sale in Monday's Honolulu Advertiser? If you missed it, here's the link:

Visit Friends Turn Out to Help Artist Chun

They also just posted a note about Friday's unveiling of the mosaic. Here is the link to that:

Visit Ailing Peggy Chun's Damien mosaic unveiled

I'm going to leave it at that for now. I will be posting another blog post in a moment with more information about the Father Damien Unveiling.

Thanks again everyone - what a fabulous weekend we had! And the excitement just keeps on coming...what's next...Father Damien, Easter, Rome? Phew, I need a nap.

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