Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Remember - Meeting Tomorrow Night!

There was no doctor visit today since Dr. Davis just saw Peggy on Saturday. Peggy's eyes have been great today. She is busy working on projects and lists. We've been working on helping Peggy get her projects/lists more organized so that she can get the help that she needs. More on this later.

In our meeting last Saturday we talked about trying to do some time logging to see what we do in a day at Peggy's. The hope is that we can get some type of schedule created so that in the event that Peggy loses the ability to communicate, we will have an idea of what we do in a day. We can create a care schedule based on what we do now.

So I created some log sheets in 15 minute increments. I had Lolo and Ann start today at 2pm logging everything that they do - medical stuff and non-medical too - it is not easy to remember to write it all down! But hopefully after a few days, we'll see some type of pattern/schedule emerge. I'm hoping to have a sample of what we've logged so far typed up for tomorrow's meeting.

Speaking of the meeting - DON'T FORGET! Our Peg's Legs Meeting is tomorrow (Wednesday) night at Healthcare Alternatives. Look's like we're going to have a good turn out. We'll be providing food and drinks.

Remember - if you have any questions or issues you would like addressed at tomorrow's meeting, please let me know ASAP!

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