Worked this morning at Peg's for a while "sans keiki". Eric had Sawyer at home so that I could get a few things done at the house without him. Nice to be able to turn my "mommy brain" off for a few hours. Kelly was on shift training Lehua. Seems like they spent the whole shift trying to get Peggy comfortable. Peggy was having major "cuff" issues. Kelly called Respiratory and as I was leaving Ed called and said that he would be on his way. He is probably there now, so I'll get an update later and report what he says.
We will discuss this cuff issue with Dr. Davis tomorrow during the doctor visit. Peggy told us today she would like to schedule a visit to the hospital on Friday to get the bronchialscope. I told her we could talk about this and plan it with Dr. Davis and Katherine tomorrow.
I also called Healthcare because Peggy has not yet received the Baza cream. I am thinking that they delivered the "TopiCare" barrier cream instead of the Baza last month, but am not sure on that yet. Regardless, we have the order in for more Baza.
Hope you all had a great Earth Day yesterday. In the morning I watched Oprah's "Go Green" show that aired last Friday. It was very inspiring and motivating! As Oprah and her guests said, if everyone did just one or two things for the planet, together we can make a big difference. For some easy action steps and ideas, check out this link http://www2.oprah.com/tows/pastshows/200704/tows_past_20070420.jhtml
Then Eric, Indy, Sawyer, Maka, and I planted strawberries in our little garden and then spent the day at our friend's kalo farm. See photos attached.
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