Many of you have seen the beautiful pen bouquet that Shelly Bellman gave Peggy and the caregivers. Yesterday Shelly and her friend Judy gave us instructions on how to make one!
They said the cheapest place to go for the supplies is Walmart, but Floradec also carries everything you need.
Black ball point pens
Green florist tape
Vase (squat with a wide mouth, but tall enough so they don't fall out)
Clear or colored marbles (also in the florist section)
Plastic flowers (be sure to the get the type with leaves that move so that you can push the leaves up high - get a variety of flowers if you want a bouquet-like look, you can also get flowers with multiple sprigs and cut many from one)
Wire cutters (scissors won't be strong enough to cut the flowers)
Once you have all the things you need, its pretty simple. Just take a flower stem, push all the leaves and stuff up to the top. Line up the stem with the pen and cut it to the size of the pen. Take the green tape and start wrapping from the butt end of the pen down to the tip. Then just fill the vase with the marbles and place the pens in the vase.
These aren't the best directions, but just come by and take a look at the pen bouquet in person - you'll see it's actually pretty simple. Thanks Shelly and Judy! What a great gift! These would make such cute party favors/centerpieces, thank you gifts, etc. Have fun!

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