Ears - Peggy has had no pain. We're scheduling a doc appointment soon. We're taking care of the podiatry appt. first.
Eyes - Peg's been getting more sleep since she's been using the goggle/sleep mask combo. She needs the right mix of PM and Refresh Gel. She says her eye tiredness depends on how much she has gotten.
Mouth - She says the Oasis spray has been working. Doc gave the OK to take more if it is working.
Trach - Peggy has had very little bleeding around the trach in the last 24 hours. Her sats were 98-99% off oxygen today!
Toe - Peg's toe is still swollen and now it seems to be on both sides of the nail. Dr. Davis asked Cathy to take a culture of the toe since we've been treating it for 3 weeks now and it doesn't seem to be responding to the Cephalexin. She will take the culture tomorrow morning. Peggy has a podiatry appt. scheduled for next Monday at 1:30.
Other - Dr. Davis will be looking into getting Peggy another Botox shot for saliva reduction. He will also write a prescription for a head rest for Peggy's wheelchair. Peggy's been wanting a head rest for her wheelchair for a long time. We'll be working on this. Dr. D also recommended adding 1 Tbsp. 2x/day in liquid to help Peggy get things moving.
Mood - Peggy told Dr. D and Cathy, "My mood is fine. I'm very busy with art projects and driving everyone crazy." No question about that! Actually, Peggy was truly in great spirits today. She spelled out tons of "Perfect"s and "OK"s - always so great to spell out those words.
Last but not least - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PEG'S LEG KAY HOFFMAN!!! We love ya, Kay!
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