Peggy had her Tuesday telemed doctor visit this morning. Today, Hanna dressed her as "herself" - she was wearing her Goddess cap, a goddess shawl, huge heart shaped glasses, and a homemade mask of her own face with a BIG SMILE. It was a hit! Here's the update from her doctor visit:
Peggy's ingrown toe is definitely looking a bit infected. Dr. Davis is putting her on antibiotics to be safe. In terms of "toe care", please keep it dry, clean, and DO NOT apply neosporin. Why? We don't know...perhaps to keep it dry. Also, keep filing it down in the middle to encourage the nail to grow out on the sides and lessen the pressure.
Dr. Davis has also recommended "Mylanta" for Peggy's reflux.
Peggy's dentist, Ed Cassella, will be making a visit to check out her chompers on Saturday afternoon. He has made some suggestions regarding her dry mouth issues. The technical term for dry mouth, in case you're wondering, is "xerostomia" - you learn something new everyday. We will keep you posted if and when we implement any new mouth protocol.
Peggy is very tired today. Her eyes are especially tired and irritated, making spellboarding a little tough. But she's been taking cat naps to catch up on her zzzzs.
We had one private hire applicant come in for an interview today. His name is Roger. He was very charming! He had taught Shakespeare for many years and so entertained Peggy with a soliloquy from Henry VIII. He is a screenplay writer and has written over 14 screenplays thus far! He shared with Peggy that if he is hired, he will serenade her with some of the songs from his latest work, "Shakespeare, the Musical". Peggy was very amused. It is definitely never dull around here.
Visitors to the house today know that it would have been a good idea to wear galoshes since the awai is totally overflowing. There are guppies crossing over the concrete walkway to the house. The good news is that our power has been stable despite the wind and rainy weather.
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