Friday, May 23, 2008

Peggy's GT Schedule

There has been some confusion regarding Peggy's GT/water/med schedule. We have posted a new typed version of the following info on the nurse's board. Please see me if you have any questions:

Peggy’s G-Tube Feeding/Water/Medicine Schedule

Note: G-Tube machine should be set at 35cc/hour. You may interrupt the feeding for personal care (bath, transfers, etc.) Peggy’s total water administered should add up to at least 800ccs/24 hours

Every 4 hours: 30ccs of water before and after OXYDOSE

6:00am: 60ccs water before and after meds

11:00am: 60ccs water before and after supplements (one each of Milk thistle, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and CoQ10)

12:00pm: 60ccs before and after 5ml of Ferrous Sulfate

6:00pm: 60ccs of prune juice and 60ccs of cranberry juice (be sure to flush line with 20cc of water)

10:00pm: 60ccs of water before and after meds

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