A couple weekends ago, we participated in the Haleiwa Arts Festival. This was our last year participating with Peggy's art, since the rules of the festival dictate that the artists must be alive and able to represent themselves. We were honored when they invited us to participate this year in memory of Peggy. We did really well over the weekend and had an opportunity to speak to many of our Haleiwa Festival friends and customers and let them know about our new gallery.
Next up on our calendar is First Friday. We are having our guest artists (Sean Gallagher and Amber Chesebro) from last month's First Friday event, return again for August...they have been busy making new jewelry for this month's event. They just got an awesome write up in Sunday's Advertiser by Paula Rath - yay!
First Friday lands on August 7th, which happens to be Elroy and Julie Percell's birthday! This is the start of many birthdays...Peggy's dad's bday is on the 6th, Lisa's birthday is on the 11th, Jen Segler's birthday is on the 17th, my mom's is on the 19th, and Sawyer turns 3 on August 25th...Happy birthday, all!
Speaking of my mom, she is fully enjoying her retirement. She is busy with lots of projects, yoga, and she has been helping me with the business and the kids! I think Eric put it best last night...my mom had picked up Sawyer from school, made us quiches for dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, then she put the kids in the bath! Eric said to me, "Your mom is so awesome." Indeed.
So back to the month ahead, after First Friday, we have our big expo of the year - the Made in Hawaii Festival at the Blaisdell! This year, it falls on August 21 to 23. I'm really looking forward to it - this year we are planning to offer special show prices, we're looking at getting some promotional reusable Peggy Chun bags, and we have cute "Lily Love" stickers for the keiki.
We're having so much fun working on the business. We're really focused on trying to bring more customers to our gallery. We do great on First Friday, but we are really trying to boost traffic and sales the rest of the month...this is true for the entire Arts District of Honolulu...so if you have any ideas...send them our way!!!
We're working on plans for a Peg's Legs Reunion/early Christmas party in November...we're tentatively looking at the weekend before Thanksgiving - Saturday, November 21...save the date and let us know what you think!
Let's see...what else...the kids are doing great. Indy is still out of school until the end of August. Sawyer is back in preschool and seems to be enjoying it well enough. He is "Child of the Week" this week in his classroom, so we had to do a little interview with him on all of his favorite things. Among his favorite things to do - "play with my sister, go to Grandma and Papa's house, play ball with Gung Gung, go Fun Factory, go to the beach and find shells, watch PBS Kids, play Wii, snuggle and do 'group hug' with mommy, daddy, and sister"...ahhh, the simple things in life. He also told us that when he grows up he wants to be a "big boy" and a tree trimmer like daddy.
Indy just finished up 2 weeks of "Dance Camp" at the Dance Space at University Square. She really enjoyed it - they did a little of everything - belly dance, hula, jazz, ballet, African, Tahitian...she had a blast!
Eric is doing great...he's busy with tree trimming, working on our house projects, and catching the summer swells. Elroy is fine as well. He comes to the gallery and our house regularly to check in on us! He's still as busy as ever...I'd love to get a pedometer on him and see how many steps that man takes in a day!
I haven't forgotten that I promised some photos from our trip to Lake City, so here a few family photos of our fun and relaxation! Enjoy!
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